Mes autres blogs / My other blogs

Apparently, Blooger doesn't accept "non-Blogger" blogs in my profile ;-(
So the aim of this blog was to link my profile to my 4 other blogs :
1/ The most recent one is:
"La Coudraie",
which is the name of my home in Soings-en-Sologne. This blog is dedicated to my garden and the nature in the area.
2/Second one, the oldest, is:
"Le Carroir"
Le Petit Carroir is the name of my former home, in Cheverny. We lived 10 years there, until Sept. '10. The blog is now dedicated to photochallenges, plus some of my travels or holidays, or concerts, or... basically everything except my garden ;-)
2/ Third one is:
"Page 3ème"
(3rd page). This is the blog of my Parish. I created it early 2007, and since it's quite successful (locally!), our priest and I are trying to keep it going.
3/ And last one is:
("cousins collection"). It was created in Sept. 2007, for the organisation and the follow-up of a "cousins collection day", a family day, organised at my Mum's home. 222 people, all descendants of my grandfather and his brother, were invited. 155 were present!
The blog was a real family link during approx. 2 years following that great day. It's still "alive" now, though not really used anymore, replaced with more recent social networks (you know, the big blue FB ... ;-)
You're always welcome on these blogs!
However, I have to mention here that they are all in French ;-)

mercredi 26 août 2009

10 conseils pratiques pour adorer

Un nouvel article sur le blog "Page-3ème" :

L'adoration eucharistique est un acte de foi par lequel nous reconnaissons que Jésus est réellement présent dans l'hostie exposée. C'est un acte d'amour que nous posons gratuitement pour Dieu, à …

Pour lire la suite cliquez ici !

dimanche 23 août 2009

Sainte Rose

Aujourd'hui, dimanche 23 août, c'est la Sainte Rose !! Alors, ...

Pour voir la suite cliquez ici !